Town Office: (603) 538-6697 |Click here for email

Pittsburg Highway Department

Road Agent: Ricky ClogstonPittsburg Fire Station and Highway Department NH
Location:  7 Echo Valley Drive, off of Back Lake Road 
Tel. /Answering Machine: (603) 538-7461

[email protected]

The Town Road Agent is an elected position for a three-year term and Ricky Clogston was re-elected March 2024. The Road Agent has charge of the construction, maintenance and repair of highways, bridges and sidewalks, and (by statute) works under the direct supervision of the Board of Selectmen.

The highway department has a 2006 John Deere 670D grader, a Caterpillar 4l6C backhoe loader, two dump trucks and a Ford F450 pickup for use in the maintenance of town roads. All trucks are equipped with plows and sanders during the winter season.

The NH Dept.of Transportation re-measured all roads in Pittsburg (that were passable) during 2007 and listed 36.67 miles of Town roads and over 111 miles of private roads. The Highway Block Grant that the Town receives from the State each year is based on the miles of town maintained roads.

Parking Ban:
There is a winter parking ban on the sidewalk side of Main Street from Back Lake Rd to Cheese Factory Rd from Dec.1 to April 1 annually.

Road Limit Ban:
There is a load limit road ban placed on all town roads in the springtime except when they are solidly frozen. The ban period varies each spring and its effective date is posted in a local newspaper. The load limit applies to vehicles with gross weight exceeding: 20 Ton Tractor Trailer, 12 Ton 10-Wheeler, 8 Ton Single-axle, and 3 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck.

Private Roads and Driveways:
There are specifications for private roads and driveways requiring access to town roads:

1. Permission and approval of plans must first be obtained from the Road Agent.

2. Access roads and driveways, from State or Town roads, shall be a minimum of 16 feet wide and shall have a suitable gravel surface or its equivalent. Road Agent and Selectmen can specify additional width, if necessary.

3. Maximum grade shall not exceed 10%.

4. Access roads and driveways which have an uphill grade shall be graded such that the drive surface will slope from the edge of the travel surface of the road to a line six feet in distance from the town road and five inches below edge of town road before ascending.

5. A culvert may be required at the discretion of the Road Agent.

Up until 1983, the town had three highway districts-the Lake District, Middle District, and Lower District, and a Road Agent was elected for each district every year. Eventually, the Town voted to have just one Road Agent for the entire town. The Town voted to stop plowing private roads and driveways in 2004.